Synopsis: Wallace (Radcliffe) is still moping after chucking his two-timing girlfriend and doesn't go out much. Then he meets Chantry (Zoe Kazan) who is in a long term relationship. Men and women can just be friends right?
Stan's thoughts: First I must just say that Radcliffe is playing his natural English accent in a film set in Toronto implying that he hasn't long been in the country ie was brought up in the UK but he's called Wallace. Nobody in England is called Wallace other than Gromit's friend.
The other thing to push to one side is the very obvious attempts at humour. You know the sort of stuff that's been done a zillion times that just isn't funny any more. Some of it is slapstick - someone standing behind a closed door and in front of an open window...for example. Some of it just silly - the drunken phone call to the other half who is in an important meeting.
Oh and one other thing I'm trying to ignore is the line from a female character about a 'brazilian' being a waste of time when she didn't manage to cop off. Got a bit of feminist rage at that moment.
Right, now that is all out of the way what you are left with is actually quite witty and warm if a little predictable. Laughed out loud a few times and was definitely rooting for Wallace and Chantry which is important. There are some quirky little animated sequences which were a nice touch particularly over the end credits and definitely worth sitting through.
It's not as quirky as it thinks it is but it is good to see the likes of Jemima Rooper and Rafe Spall on the big screen in supporting roles.
Don't want this to sound overly negative because on the whole I enjoyed it and had a warm fuzzy glow when I walked out of the cinema, it just take a while to get into its stride and decide what it wants to be.
- Stan’s 60%
- IMDB 73%
- Metascore 59%
- Rotten Tomatoes 70%
- RT Audience Rating* 78%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher
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