Synopsis: A history lecturer sees his doppelganger in a film and sets about trying to meet him.
Stan's thoughts: Love Jake Gyllenhaal and he plays a weirdo well (look at Nightcrawler which was one of my favourite films last year) but this? Well, this just feels like weirdness for arts sake. All the characters behave extremely oddly, so oddly that it is perplexing rather than atmospheric.
It is described as a psychological thriller but any tension I felt was boredom mixed with frustration. There are lots of lingering, arty shots and a random spider which felt pretentious.
Ultimately I didn't know why the characters were behaving the way they were and quite frankly after a point I didn't really care. Weirdness, a scant script and long lingering shots don't equal an art house movie, Enemy feels like and hour and half of my life I will never get back.
Other opinions are available of course, some people at least seem to like it.
- Stan’s 30%
- IMDB 68%
- Metascore 61%
- Rotten Tomatoes 74%
- RT Audience Rating* 60%
* Number of people rating 3.5/5 or higher