Synopsis: Christine (Nicole Kidman) wakes every day having forgotten everything that's happened since she was in her 20s as the result of a head trauma but one day something happens that leads her to question the motives of all those around her.
Stan's thoughts: This seems to have had very mixed reviews but I really enjoyed it. I haven't read the book so I knew little about the story which may have helped.
It's a great psychological thriller which makes you question everyone and much of it is down to superb performances by the three leads. Colin Firth plays Christine's loving and patient husband and Mark Strong plays her gently sinister psychologist. Great also to see Anne-Marie Duff on the big screen as Christine's old friend.
The story isn't laboured and is therefore a tight and tense 90 minutes and it certainly had me on the edge of my seat. If your nerves can stand it, it would be a great double bill with A Most Wanted Man.
- Stan’s 70%
- IMDB 65%
- Metascore 41%
- Rotten Tomatoes 58%
- RT Audience Rating* 55%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher
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