Synopsis: An illegal immigrant, a Muslim who is half Chechen, half Russian, arrives in Hamburg seeking access to his late father ill-gotten fortune. Who is he and is he a threat? It's a race between different secret services to get to him first and also expose a financier who they suspect is funding terrorist organisations.
Stan's thoughts: A superb spy thriller this is just as much about the rivalry within the German agencies and the American's as it is about catching potential baddies.
It avoids cliche and doesn't patronise its audience with black and white characters and scenarios. Neither does it spoon feed plot or outstay its welcome. Instead it is a film that is intelligent, tense and gripping.
Sad to see what was one of Philip Seymour Hoffman's last films but it is a great one to leave us with. Great performance too from Grigoriy Dobrygin who plays the immigrant Issa. He doesn't say much but is a brilliantly beautiful and intriguing linchpin to the central story. Robin Wright also stands out in what is a relatively small part.
A great, solidly enjoyable film.
- Stan’s 80%
- IMDB 73%
- Metascore 73%
- Rotten Tomatoes 91%
- RT Audience Rating* 71%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher
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