Synopsis: A jilted, twenty-something, stand up comic gets knocked up on a one night stand and is forced to assess her life.
Stan's thoughts: A rom-com that gets an airing at my favourite, discerning cinema-goers chain Curzon is always going to get my attention. Likewise a rom-com that isn't pushed as being 'quirky' - which in movie speak usually means a female protagonist who wears flat shoes and normal clothes.
So that's how I ended up watching Obvious Child on a Friday morning at the Curzon in Victoria with about five other people (I was on holiday, not bunking off). And, it lived up to the promise. It has moments of refreshing honesty and a sharp wit but it was also a lot sweeter than I expected. The abortion storyline (it's not a spoiler, it's in the trailer) is also handled with honesty and sensitivity.
Obvious Child is a rom-com that avoids a lot of the usual cliches, succeeds in making you laugh but also leaves you with a warm fuzzy glow. Isn't that what rom-coms are supposed to do?
- Stan’s 75%
- IMDB 72%
- Metascore 75%
- Rotten Tomatoes 88%
- RT Audience Rating* 78%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher
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