Synopsis: Based on the hit play Posh it follows a group of supremely posh and privileged Oxford students who are members of the elite Riot Club as they recruit two new members and indoctrinate them at one of their infamous dinners.
Stan's thoughts: Loved the play which is set purely at the night of the dinner and the film has been been broadened out nicely. Laura Wade who wrote the play and the film has fleshed out the characters adding in a glimpse of their world outside the club dinner. There are also additional female characters and a romantic plotline which balances the story nicely.
Having expanded the Club's world beyond the dinner it makes their behaviour and outlook all the more ghastly, it dampens the humour of the play. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it feels more political - The Riot Club is loosely based on the Bullingdon Club which numbered Boris, Cameron and Osborne among its members.
It also emphasises how seductive the Club is. Miles (Max Irons) is the moral touchstone in the play and becomes more so in the film. He is the most socially aware of the group but makes bad choices while swept up in the whirlwind and loses more as a result.
This is a great ensemble of actors to have sharing screen time - there is almost too much going on to really appreciate them fully. This is also a very pretty ensemble of actors - Max joined by Sam Claflin, Douglas Booth, Freddie Fox, Ben Schnetzer, to name just five - and they are like poisoned lilies, beautiful to look out but certainly not beautiful inside.
The Riot Club is funny at times but is also an uncomfortable watch and a little bit depressing. It is a little like Wolf of Wall Street for the British upper crust.
- Stan’s 75%
- IMDB 69%
- Metascore 61%
- Rotten Tomatoes 78%
- RT Audience Rating* 72%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher
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