Synopsis: Lucy is forced into acting as a drugs mule for a violent Taiwanese drugs baron but when the bag bursts in her stomach the drug has an unusual effect, increasing her brain capacity far beyond what normal humans use.
Stan's thoughts: Lucy is a wonderfully bonkers mix of sci-fi, violent gangster thriller and girl power. It is short and imperfectly formed - ironically, given the context, some of the science is best not thought about too much - but it somehow works.
Scarlett Johansson has really turned around my opinion of her as an actress since Under The Skin and it's great to see her in a film like this where she gets to explore two very different characters: the Lucy before and after the drugs.
The way Lucy's increasing brain capacity manifests itself and is depicted is imaginatively done with echo's of The Matrix.
I walked out of the empty cinema - love being the only person in the screen - with a big smile on my face.
- Stan’s 78%
- IMDB 66%
- Metascore 61%
- Rotten Tomatoes 65%
- RT Audience Rating* 48%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher
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