Synopsis: Sandra (Cotillard) is a young mother who has been suffering from depression. Ready to return to work she discovers that her colleagues have been told that if she is dismissed the company can afford to give her a bonus. She has a weekend to convince them to vote to keep her on.
Stan's thoughts: Marion Cotillard I could watch all day. Her performance in this is incredible in its understatement but, and I feel I have to apologise, I just found the film a bit dull. It is pretty much as described: a depressed woman travelling from door to door asking her colleagues to chose her over a bonus. The conversations go pretty much the same with each one and I just wanted to fast forward to the vote.
Be warned that right at the beginning, when the film certificate is displayed, it does give you a spoiler and that particular event, I think is unsatisfactorily glossed over. It feels like 90% of the film is at one pace then the final 10% is a resolution at another.
Sorry Marion you were fab but the film wasn't, for me, and I normally love this sort of subtle, quiet, human drama. Everyone else seems to have adored it though so probably best to just ignore me.
- Stan’s 50%
- IMDB 75%
- Metascore 94%
- Rotten Tomatoes 94%
- RT Audience Rating* 82%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher