Synopsis: Disaster has struck the earth in the form of a virus. Human survivors have set up a colony in San Francisco but are running out of power and the apes have set up their own colony outside the city near the old power station.
Stan's thoughts: This film seems to have everyone excited, critics and audiences alike, but it just doesn't really do it for me. Maybe it's a case of 'its not you, it's me', but I just can't connect with the apes, however brilliantly they are rendered. I can't suspend my disbelief - they are talking apes.
Also there aren't enough shades of grey in the characters. OK so there are goodies and baddies within both camps but it is far too black and white. It is so obvious who falls into which category its like a klaxon going off within their first few lines of dialogue. It feels like it is film that wants to challenge but doesn't.
It's all very well executed and nicely paced etc but it just didn't grab me and excite me in the same way it seems to have excited a lot of others. Maybe it is just me.
- Stan’s 50%
- IMDB 91%
- Metascore 92%
- Rotten Tomatoes 83%
- RT Audience Rating* 79%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher
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