Synopsis: Two teenagers meet at a cancer support group and fall in love.
Stan's thoughts: I'm a sucker for this sort of thing, I'm drawn to things that I know will make me cry and this certainly did that but it also made me laugh and smile quite a bit too.
It's the ultimate in doomed teen romance. You know it isn't going to end well right from the start but boy they take you on a roller coaster of emotions on the way.
What gives this the extra emotional depth is in how the teenagers cope mentally and emotionally with their cancer. While the film probably does shy away a little from the ugliness of cancer treatment it doesn't and can't really shy away from the issue of mortality.
While the focus is very much on Hazel (Shailene Woodley) and Gus (Ansel Elgort) you also get a sense of what it must be like for Hazel's parents.
Fabulous central performances from Woodley and Elgort as the star-crossed lovers; they have an amazing chemistry once you get over the fact that they played brother and sister in Divergent earlier this year (wonder if they did this first or second?). There is a lovely wit and humour to Hazel and Gus that you can't help but enjoy. And most of all the film is perversely life affirming: Life isn't always fair and is uncertain so make the most of the moments.
This is definitely going into my DVD collection when its released, filed under 'Sunday night weepies'.
PS It's a small thing, but great to see the leads looking natural, with the occasional spot and without obvious slaps of make up. Shame they couldn't have replicated that for Divergent.
- Stan’s 87%
- IMDB 85%
- Metascore 69%
- Rotten Tomatoes 80%
- RT Audience Rating* 91%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher