Synopsis: Caroline (Fanny Ardent) is a newly retired dentist and her family buys her membership of the Bright Days Ahead activity club to keep her occupied. The only thing she likes about the club is the young computer class teacher Julien (Laurent Lafitte) who starts to flirt with her.
Stan's thoughts: Got to like French cinema for producing films that not only feature interesting, complex and flawed women characters but also interesting, complex and flawed older women. It puts Hollywood to shame.
Ardent clearly demonstrates that there is no sell-by date for sexiness and you never doubt that Julien would find her attractive. Equally this isn't just about sex but about a woman who while confident and worldly-wise is still finding her way as her life changes. She makes mistakes at times, occasionally makes a fool of herself but ultimately comes through it all with a enlightened strength and dignity.
This is about love and sex and adapting to a new life while appreciating the old. It is a breath of fresh air next to most English language cinema when it comes to the portrayal of older women.
- Stan’s 60%
- IMDB 62%
- Metascore 57%
- Rotten Tomatoes 86%
- RT Audience Rating* 54%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher
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