Synopsis: Gladiator seeks revenge on those who slaughtered his family ends up in Pompeii where he falls for a nobleman's daughter. Oh and the volcano about to go off.
Stan's thoughts: There are two good things about this film. Kit Harington has a well-honed bod and is a delight to the eye and there is a rather hot kiss (in more ways than one).
Other than that I could have written the plot on the back of a serviette. There are is lots of fighting and lots of baddies growling and women simpering and lots of CGI although the 3D feels superfluous. *Potential plot spoiler* There are no surprises although I can't quite decide whether the ending was Hollywood not being obvious for once and adding some poignancy or whether it made the rest of the film pointless. If you see it let me know your view.
Entertaining enough but it will be Kit Harington's bod which stays in my mind.
- Stan’s 50%
- IMDB 59%
- Metascore 39%
- Rotten Tomatoes 28%
- RT Audience Rating 42%
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