Synopsis: Scientists unearth a huge pod deep below the ground that seems to have something alive in it. When it hatches it becomes a battle of man against monster.
Stan's thoughts: I'm not normally that moved by big, bang, crash sequences I prefer the character-led story lines in action movies but it is telling that in Godzilla the huge final battle was the only thing I sort of enjoyed.
Godzilla was just dull. I nearly walked out half way through having asked myself 'do I actually care about any of these characters or what happens to them?' The other bad sign was when the usual Hollywood devices and in consistences all start leaping off the screen and annoying me: Stand and stare at the cloud of nuclear fallout that is heading towards you for an inordinately long time; star monster, half way through the battle, suddenly remembering he can projectile vomit some sort of blue flame - that sort of thing. And then there was the script which just had me rolling my eyes at times.
It has a great cast in the likes of Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen and the fab Sally Hawkins but even they couldn't lift this to a state where I could suspend my disbelief and sit back and enjoy.
However it seems to be scoring well with critics and audiences so what do I know?
- Stan’s 30%
- IMDB 74%
- Metascore 62%
- Rotten Tomatoes 73%
- RT Audience Rating* 74%
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* Based on number of people who rated the film 3.5/5 and higher
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