Synopsis: The debate about whether Spiderman is good or bad rages, Spiderman struggles with his relationship with Gwen (love her put her in danger, leave her and she is safe but heartbreak etc) and then of course there is a new baddie to contend with, well two actually, who are out to get him. The usual stuff.
Stan's thoughts: I do really like Andrew Garfield as Spiderman. He has far more charisma than Tobey Maguire, more personality in general. He's cheeky and there are some nice little wink and nod references such as Peter Parker's ring tone being the old Spiderman theme tune. But Garfield is a skilled actor and brings just enough emotional depth, often an inner conflict to Peter, to make him a rounded character. If you want proof of his acting credentials just watch Never Let Me Go - there is one scene towards the end which will emotionally tear you apart.
There is probably less action in this than will satisfy some comic book movie fans but I actually prefer that and enjoyed the fact that characters and plot were given time to develop. It helps that people like Sally Field and Dane DeHaan are in the cast.
Dane DeHaan has long been a favourite of mine since I saw him in the little indie film Chronicle. There is a solid back story to his character Harry which gives him depth and a nice little twist to the usual storyline.
This was a fun Spiderman with a bit more heart than usual which made it a more rounded and satisfying film for me. A comic book movie that makes me laugh and cry gets the thumbs up but then I could watch Andrew Garfield and Dane DeHaan all day.
- Stan’s 79%
- IMDB 77%
- Metascore 58%
- Rotten Tomatoes 72%
- RT Audience Rating 82%
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