Synopsis: Simon (Jesse Eisenberg) is a skilled clerk but lacks the confidence to get noticed and move up in the organisation. His love life mirrors his career, he watches and yearns but just can't quite bring himself to take the next step. Then James turns up. His exact double in everything but personality, in that he is everything that Simon isn't charming and confident.
Stan's thoughts: Really like Richard Ayoade's directorial debut Submarine which had a lovely quirky humour to it. The Double is one of those films that I can appreciate but I can't say I really enjoyed it but then that might be the point.
It's stylistically shot and great to see Jesse Eisenberg play two very different characters but I found Simon excruciatingly annoying to the point where he had me fidgeting in my seat and occasionally huffing. It tainted my enjoyment of what is otherwise an interesting, nightmarish, almost Kafka-esque concept - I've subsequently found out the film is based on a Dostoevsky novel.
An accomplished work but not necessarily for me.
- Stan’s 70% (for technical merit)
- IMDB 75%
- Metascore 70%
- Rotten Tomatoes 89%
- RT Audience Rating 67%
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