Synopsis: The Weston daughters have flown (or fled) the nest seeking a new life but when their father dies the family comes together under the same roof for the first time in many years.
Stan's thoughts: In many respects this sounds like the cliched family drama - tensions and revelations but it is definitely more than that.
First of all this is far from a cutesy and conventional family saga but rather it shows the cruel, antagonistic and even nasty way families can behave towards each other. For many in the family the blood bond is a genetic inconvenience and childhoods best glossed over.
The children have attempted to break the cycle of abusive parenting by getting away but the past sins are never far away and with tragic consequences.
There is a black humour to August: Osage County which gives it an extra bite much of which is supplied by the deliciously brilliant Meryl Streep as prescription drug addled mother Violet. Plaudits must also go to Julia Roberts who quite surprised me with her turn as the eldest daughter going through divorce.
Really enjoyed this one.
- Stan's: 85%
- IMDB: 74%
- Metascore: 58%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 65%
- RT audience rating: 72%
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