Synopsis: Biopic about Ron Woodroof, a straight man who was diagnosed with AIDS in 1985 and fights the system and his own prejudices to help other suffers get the medication they need.
Stan's thoughts: Spectacular performance from Matthew McConaughey who is almost unrecognisable as the Woodroof, a slight man even before he contracts AIDS. He's not immediately likeable as a character - a drinking, drug-taking, womanising, homophobic hustler - but he gradually pulls you over to his side as he realises death has no prejudices. Who'd have thought that the mahogany, lame rom-com actor would be turning in performances like this?
And Jared Leto messed with my head. He plays transexual Rayon whom Ron befriends and goes into business with. He's an attractive man and an attractive woman.
The two together make this film and it is the relationships and character arcs which hooked the most, slightly more so than the political and legal wranglings which can sometimes feel shrouded in legal and medical jargon. Nonetheless this is a story fascinating in its exploration of prejudices and injustice and the battle to overcome.
- Stan's: 80%
- IMDB: 80%
- Metascore: 84%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
- RT audience rating: 92%
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