Synopsis: Walter Mitty has done nothing worthy of putting on an online dating profile except in his head, when the picture for the final cover of Life magazine, where he works, the search for it takes him on an adventure.
Stan's thoughts: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. This is contrived and far-fetched even for Hollywood. We are supposed to believe that at man who is introverted, hasn't done anything remotely interesting or exciting, let alone travelled, other than in his head, is suddenly capable of trailing a famous photographer to remote and often dangerous corners of the world. And, regardless of where he is, his phone works.
This is at best very mildly entertaining but judging by the ratings its getting perhaps I'm just too cynical for it.
- Stan's: 30%
- IMDB: 77%
- Metascore: 55%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 50%
- RT audience rating: 79%
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