Synopsis: Jon (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is addicted to porn and one night stands then he falls in love with Barbara (Scarlett Johansson) who obsessed with romantic films.
Stan's thoughts: Although the rapid cycle through porn montages skates close to being overkill/gratuitous underneath this is an interesting character piece. Although it comes down, in a mild way, as anti-porn where it is interesting is in what it says about Jon and the type of person he is and relationship he wants or is capable of having.
His is an interesting and often amusing journey of self discovery helped in a big way when he meets older woman Esther (Julianne Moore) who unlocks a few home truths.
The morals of the tale aren't necessarily as black and white as you'd imagine and that too makes it an interesting watch. Scarlett Johansson is brilliant, oozing an almost Jessica Rabbit-style sassy sex appeal that has Jon following her like a puppy but, like the symbolic red dress she wears when they first meet, she is dangerously flawed in her own way.
- Stan's: 65%
- IMDB: 71%
- Metascore: 66%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 81%
- RT audience rating: 68%
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