Synopsis: Based on the true story of Carphone Warehouse manager Paul Potts rise to opera star via Britain's Got Talent.
Stan's thoughts: Don't watch BGT so only had a vague idea who Paul Potts is and his story but I have to say if you are looking for a rags to riches story with some colourful characters, some laughs and some tears then you can't go far wrong.
Corden seems at home in this role even if dubbed singing is a little awkward at times. Julie Walters is the go-to actress for lovely mum characters, and Alexandra Roach is just a joy as Paul's supportive girlfriend.
Enjoyed this far more than I thought I would and it made me want to go out and buy some more opera to listen to.
Ratings- Stan's: 70%
- IMDB: 52%
- Metascore: 48%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 62%
- RT audience rating: 74%
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