Synopsis: After seeing off an alien invasion an elite force of kids is being trained up to fend off the next attack
Stan's thoughts: This film is a visual and SFX feast following Ender (a brilliant Asa Butterfield) as he is trained up to lead into battle but I'm afraid I found it a little bit dull at times.
The extended training sequences started to feel like I was watching someone else playing a computer game, which is never fun. In fact you know there is going to be a big battle and the rest of the storyline (trials and tribulations of Ender becoming a leader) isn't always engaging enough to sustain the build up.
That said there are one or two nice little plot treatments that do lift it - one of which isn't Ben Kingsley's wandering 'Maori' accent.
Didn't quite live up to expectations but will give the next one a go as this is based on a series of books and might be a victim of having to set up subsequent plot lines.
Ratings- Stan's: 59%
- IMDB: 72%
- Metascore: 50%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 62%
- RT audience rating: 78%
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