Synopsis: Based on the true story of a merchant marine who is kidnapped by Somali pirates
Stan's thoughts: Director Paul Greengrass proves again that he is the master of suspense. My nerves were well and truly jangled by the end of Captain Phillips but that's not what makes this such a great film. Greengrass doesn't present the Somali's as out and out baddies as it would have been easy to do but puts their actions into a wider context which gives the film more depth than merely a kidnap thriller.
And then there is Tom Hanks's performances as the Captain. He is brave without being a Hollywood hero. His ordinariness and therefore his vulnerability that adds a layer of tension, an extra sense of jeopardy and he deserves an Oscar nomination for the final scene alone.
Oh and the Navy Seals are hot too ;0)
Really, really enjoyed this film go and see Captain Phillips.
Ratings- Stan's: 90%
- IMDB: 81%
- Metascore: 83%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
- RT audience rating: 93%
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