Synopsis: Biopic about the on and off track rivalry of Formula One drivers James Hunt and Nikki Lauder in the 1970s. The former is a handsome, charismatic playboy with the champagne and shag lifestyle, the latter a serious, hard-working, technically knowledgeable, early-to-bed Austrian.
Stan's thoughts: This is a film that is about personality just as much about racing but its genius lies in Ron Howard's creation of an atmospheric film that portrays the looks, sounds and genuine sense of danger of Formula One racing forty year ago. Two out of the 20 racers each season would die.
Howard knows just where to put the camera at the right moment sometimes getting in incredible close it's not even like you are in the car with the drivers but in their helmet, while at others pulling back to give a broad scope. The result is a thrill ride of a film that is also a fascinating character study of what drives two very different personalities to do such a dangerous sport.
Great film, great performances (whole gambit of great Brits too - Julian Rhind-Tutt, Stephen Mangan and Natalie Dormer) and if it doesn't snag a place or two on the Oscar short-lists there isn't any justice.
Ratings- Stan's: 90%
- IMDB: 84%
- Metascore: 73%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 89%
- RT audience rating: 94%
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