Synopsis: Young husband Bob (Casey Affleck) escapes prison to reunite with his wife Ruth (Rooney Mara) and meet his daughter for the first time.
Stan's thoughts: This is one of those beautifully subtle films that grips from the outset and is quietly moving. Director David Lowery (who also wrote the screenplay) succeeds in creating an atmospheric film that has a quiet tension and threat set against a gritty 1970s rural Texas back drop. But equally it has a subtle warmth and love which makes it quietly affecting.
Great performances particularly from Casey "I talk without opening my mouth" Affleck and Rooney Mara. A surprisingly good film, reminded me of a much more contained and less melodramatic version of Cold Mountain .
Ratings- Stan's: 70%
- IMDB: 70%
- Metascore: 74%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 80%
- RT audience rating: 73%
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