Synopsis: Shy and awkward 14-year-old Duncan is on holiday with his mum, her overbearing boyfriend and the boyfriend's daughter. He doesn't feel like he fits in until he makes friends with the manager of the nearby water park.
Stan's thoughts: When favourite films such as Little Miss Sunshine are name-checked on the poster it normally sounds alarm bells and while this doesn't quite have the wit and charm of LMS it is still a great watch.
Liam James as Duncan gives a beautifully understated performance but it is Sam Rockwell as his friend Owen that is the stand out. He has all the best lines and for once we have an adult in a film that actually understands kids. While most of the other adults behave abomnably in some way Owen proves to be just what Duncan needs and it is lovely to watch him blossom.
Also lovely to see Toni Collette, Maya Rudolph and the ever fabulous Allison Janney.
It is a film the made me laugh and smile and certainly one to file under feel good.
Ratings- Stan's: 68%
- IMDB: 72%
- Metascore: 44%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 47%
- RT audience rating: 77%
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