Synopsis: When Clary's mum goes missing in trying to find her, she discovers that she is part of an underworld of demons and demon fighters.
Stan's thoughts: I do have a penchant for young adult fiction and this is the first book in a series (I've yet to read) so it ticked that box for me from the outset. It is contemporary gothic fantasy (tick), heroine who is more powerful than she knows (tick), unrequited love (tick), forbidden love (tick), good looking goodies (tick), good looking baddies (tick) and a few vampires and werewolves (tick, tick).
Mortal Instruments is good fun with enough thrills and spills and twists and turns to keep you thoroughly entertained. I've glanced at a few of the sniffy reviews which say it is derivative of so many other stories and doesn't know what it wants to be and to that I say - aren't most stories these days? For me it's the imagination with which those elements are put together and whether it holds its own. And for me it did.
Came out with a grin on my face, wanting to see it again and that hasn't happened at the cinema for a long time.
Ratings- Stan's: 85%
- IMDB: 69%
- Metascore: 33%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 12%
- RT audience rating: 73%
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