Synopsis: Zombie virus becomes so virulent that it is in danger of wiping out the human race but don't worry Brad Pitt in his sexy army fatigues will save the day.
Stan's thoughts: If a film is good enough you can gloss over a lot of the Hollywood-ising and plot holes but if it isn't they are a distraction. And the latter is true for Brad Pitt's pet project World War Z. Once I noticed one thing I started noticing a whole heap of stuff and I just couldn't take it as seriously as it needed to be taken in order to fully enjoy.
The seeds were planted when Brad and his family were one minute stuck in four lanes of nose to tail traffic jam as everyone was trying to escape the zombie only to see him the next minute driving like a banshee down a near deserted road. I'm a celebrity, I can get out of here.
Then the pinnacle was when the very clever people of Jerusalem, anticipating the virus, had built a humongus wall around the city with helicopters keeping surveillance only to not notice the swarm of zombies approaching and then scrambling up said wall until they were at the very top. Duh. I'd say the zombies were doing their bit to increase the intelligence of the gene pool there.
There are some nice tense moments particularly what everyone is calling the 'lab' scene at the end but as a whole it just didn't quite work for me. Sorry Brad, I know you put your heart and soul into this film.
- Stan's: 45%
- IMDB: 73%
- Metascore: 63%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 72%
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