Synopsis: A group of magicians/illusionists is brought together to carry out the most spectacular tricks, like robbing banks.
Stan's thoughts: Was very excited about this film as soon as I saw the trailer and while I enjoyed it enough at the time it didn't quite blow me away as I was expecting and I wasn't sure why.
Have since listened to some other views (Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo's film programme on Radio 5) and I think I've put my finger on it. What I loved about the trailer was the magic and those were the bits I enjoyed most about the film but it becomes more of a thriller with car chase sequences and running across roof top chase sequences. It dilutes the cleverness of the tricks which is what I was attracted to.
There is a mystery running throughout about who is mastermind behind it all but I'm not sure I was really bothered when I found out. And there was a totally unnecessary love story.
It's one of those films that I liked well enough at the time but it has shrunk in my estimation as time has passed. Shame really because I was really excited about this one and I love Jesse Eisenberg and Mark Ruffalo.
Ratings- Stan's: 50%
- IMDB: 75%
- Metascore: 50%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 47%
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