Synopsis: Friendship between two twenty-something women in New York is tested when one of them decides to move in with her boyfriend.
Stan's thoughts: I wanted to like this film. It is a well made and acted film and underneath it has some interesting themes: living in the past, unfulfilled dreams, missed opportunities and identity crisis. But I just found Frances excruciatingly annoying and it clouded my enjoyment.
There are elements of Frances in me and certainly parts of her I recognise in others but this distilled version was just too much to bare at times.
It is an intriguing relationship in that for two people so close they've lost touch with each other. Frances is stuck, presumably at the point where she was the most happy and unable to let that go and Sophie has moved on but doesn't know how to communicate that to Frances and so ignores it.
I wanted to shout at Frances 'oh for goodness sake, get a grip' so for that it is a film I can appreciate rather than enjoy.
Ratings- Stan's: 60%
- IMDB: 77%
- Metascore: 81%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 80%
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