Synopsis: Family life for music teacher Keith (Guy Pearce), his wife Megan (Amy Ryan) and teenage daughter Lauren (Mackenzie Davis) is a pleasant and familiar routine but Keith has unfulfilled ambitions. When British piano student Sophie (Felicity Jones) arrives as a house guest it exacerbates his frustration with what his life has become.
Stan's thoughts: Breathe In has been a much needed palette cleanser after a run of 'meh' films, mainly Hollywood fare, so I've learnt my lesson. It is one of those quietly affecting and atmospheric films when not much is said but lots is going on. It quietly builds managing to avoid many of cliches of family dramas instead presenting something that is far more human and painful. Heartbreaking in fact.
Guy Pearce's performance is sublimely nuanced and breathtaking to watch. It is a film that haunts you long after you've left the cinema, leaving you with plenty to mull over.
Ratings- Stan's: 83%
- IMDB: 70%
- Metascore: 67%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 70%
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