Synopsis: Dinosaur-esque monsters are mutating in the earth's core, breaking out and rising to the surface attacking humans and wreaking terrible damage. Humans develop huge robots to fight them but due to their size their have to be piloted by two humans whose brains are synched.
Stan's thoughts: Against my better judgement I went to see this drawn by Guillermo del Toro's name at the helm and a good excuse to escape to a cold cinema on a very hot day. And while it has the visual flourishes I associate with del Torro it has none of the heart, darkness or cleverness.
A visual feast it is style over substance: predictable plot, cliched characters and script. There is nothing new, surprising or unexpected. If you want two hours of monsters and robots bashing each other you'll love it and a lot of people seem to so just ignore me, I'm off to watch Pan's Labyrinth.
- Stan's: 55%
- IMDB: 53%
- Metascore: No score given
- Rotten Tomatoes: 48%
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- Stan's: 38%
- IMDB: 79%
- Metascore: 64%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 67%
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