Synopsis: Based on the true story of Richard Kuklinski, played here by Michael Shannon, who was a prolific hitman while maintaining a normal family life with wife and two daughters.
Stan's thoughts: The Iceman is an appropriate nick name as Kuklinski in the film is a man of few words and few emotions, that is except when he is with his family where, while still quiet is a devoted and loving husband and father.
What I liked about this film is the tension and danger that floats at the edges of Kuklinski and his day job for a gang boss and the slow break down of the cool as events start to spiral out of his control. It is a subtle thriller, solidly performed and made.
- Stan's: 60%
- IMDB: 71%
- Metascore: 60%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 68%
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- Stan's: 80%
- IMDB: 71%
- Metascore: None recorded
- Rotten Tomatoes: 93% (but not enough reviews to be judged a consensus)
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- Stan's: 80%
- IMDB: 71%
- Metascore: None recorded
- Rotten Tomatoes: 93% (but not enough reviews to be judged a consensus)
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