Synopsis: Story about the relationship between flamboyant 60s and 70s entertainer Liberace (Michael Douglas) and his young lover Scott Thorson (Matt Damon).
Stan's thoughts: I'm still chuckling about scenes and aspects of this film which has to be a good sign. From the extreme camp behaviour, outrageous clothes and plastic surgery to the darker undertones of Liberace and Scott's relationship this is just all round good fun.
Fantastic performances from the two leads who must have had a hoot with some great support from the likes of Dan Aykroyd and Rob Lowe.
The film was apparently turned down by Hollywood (HBO picked it up) because they thought it would only appeal to a gay audience but I think what they forgot is that Liberace had a lot of fans of all ages and sexual preference; the screening I was at had a wider mix of people than you normally get at the cinema. Shame on you Hollywood.
- Stan's: 80%
- IMDB: 71%
- Metascore: None recorded
- Rotten Tomatoes: 93% (but not enough reviews to be judged a consensus)
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