Synopsis: It's back to beginning for the Superman story following our hero from birth to how he ended up on earth pursued by a big baddie.
Stan's thoughts: This is by far the most sci-fi looking Superman with lots of Star Trek-esque space ships and settlements on other planets which were quite stunning. However, they don't make up for the fact that this felt like a long film.
As soon as Michael Shannon's General Zod says he's going after Kal-El/Clark Kent it just feels like a very slow build up to an inevitable fight. And the fights do go on a bit. Once you've seen Superman smash through a series of buildings, you've seen Superman smash through a series of buildings.
There is an attempt to give the character a bit more depth by raising the issue of how mankind would deal with 'a superman' which was interesting but not quite interesting enough and with little humour to bolster the special effects dominate.
All that aside Henry Cavill's bod was worth the ticket price alone, it certainly filled out the Superman suit nicely.
- Stan's: 62%
- IMDB: 81%
- Metascore: 55%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 56%
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