Synopsis: Two boys discover a man living rough out on an island and decide to help him
Stan's thoughts: It always worries me when classic films like Stand By Me are mentioned on a movie's poster. Rarely do they live up to the comparison and Mud is a case in point. It is far from a failure as a film. I particularly enjoyed Matthew McConaughey's performance in the titular role, a feeling that there was something just a little bit dangerous bubbling under the surface. But ultimately this feels like it has stolen too heavily from too many other stories and, therefore, doesn't develop fully its own.
Despite its length (over 2 hours) McConaughey's is the only fully developed character which deprives the film of emotional depth.
Mud is an OK film but doesn't stand up to those films to which some people have made comparisons.
- Stan's 59%
- IMDB 79%
- Metascore 76%
- Rotten Tomatoes 99%
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