Synopsis: Captain James T Kirk volunteers to go on a dangerous mission to take down baddie John Harrison after he kills his friend and mentor.
Stan's thoughts: No one is more surprised than I about how excited I got over seeing a Star Trek film. There was this incident when I was a teenager which involved a video taped copy of my favourite Mel Gibson film and an episode of Star Trek the TV series which my Dad was a fan of. Needless to say it spawned what was to be a life long hate of anything Trekkie until JJ Abrams got involved with the first film back in 2009 and I was won over.
Throw in one of my favourite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch, playing a baddie and I was almost clapping when it started.
*potential spoiler alert* And it didn't disappoint. BC could only play a highly intelligent villain, the sort of villain that keeps you guessing and secretly has you rooting for him even though you know you shouldn't. I do hope he makes a reappearance in a future film - I'm happy to lead the rescue party.
The rest of the film is a nice balance of action - fistycuffs, shoot-outs and space ships - drama, tension and laughs. A confident and quality follow up to the first film and I can't wait to get my hands on the DVD and watch the extras.
- Stan's 82%
- IMDB 84%
- Metascore 74%
- Rotten Tomatoes 90%
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