Synopsis: Aliens have destroyed the moon thereby ravaging the earth. Surviving humans have decamped to another moon leaving a skeleton presence (Tom Cruise and Andrea Riseborough) to protect mining operations which are taking the final remnants of energy from earth. When a capsule with humans who've been frozen in time crash lands, Tom Cruise recognises one of women from dreams he's been having.
Stan's thoughts: I like the premise, probably because Oblivion is an identikit of so many other sci-fi films. And, I did like style and gizmos of 'the future' but ultimately this felt like Tom Cruise walking through another part in an action/sci-fi film, it was a performance I've seen so many times before.
The most interesting character was Andrea Riseborough's - and definitely a superior performance. Morgan Freeman virtually has a cameo.
Just about entertaining enough but never really got up to speed both in its action or drama.
- Stan's 52%
- IMDB 72%
- Metascore 53%
- Rotten Tomatoes 56%
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