Synopsis: North Korean terrorists have invaded the White House and taken the American president (Aaron Eckhart) hostage. Former presidential protection agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) is the only man on the inside who can save the day.
Stan's thoughts: I know, I know just reading the plot you can hear the cheesy, american-trailer, voice-over man but while this is as contrived and exaggerated as you'd expect I was actually gripped. The reason, I think, is because the terrorists were quite clever and quite brutal, dispensing with hostages without a blink so that there was a sense of jeopardy. And it was quite fun watching the president completely wrong-footed.
I'm not going to think about it too much because I'll just be able to pick it apart and it will spoil the immediate enjoyment I felt in watching it. Mindless action that was an entertaining couple of hours and no one was more shocked than I about that.
- Stan's 63%
- IMDB 71%
- Metascore 40%
- Rotten Tomatoes 48%
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