Synopsis: An alien race has taken over earth by inhabiting human bodies and erasing their minds however there is a small core of humans who remain uninhabited and fight to remain free. Melanie (Saoirse Ronan), one such freedom fighter is caught and inhabited but manages to keep her memory alive, she just needs to convince her boyfriend.
Stan's thoughts: Now I can see the flaws in the Twilight novels but they came at a time when I wanted a bit of innocent romance in my reading matter and so I have a soft spot for them and the films.
The Host, based on Stephanie Meyer's post Twilight novel, is very much a Meyer story in that is contains a strong element of innocent romance and I really like the premise but equally it contains the flaws. As with Twilight, Meyer shies away from any real drama and likes things to be resolved fairly quickly and easily, even more so in The Host.
And that is the key problem with it. For all the cleverness of the idea, there is no real fun and you never really feel like any of the characters are in any jeopardy. A central character that is essentially talking to herself for most of the story is always going to be tricky to pull off. Ronan does a great job with what she is given but the whole thing is just a bit too bland and unexciting.
Maybe I've been spoilt by The Hunger Games. Roll on Hunger Games part II in the Autumn and Divergent next year.
- Stan's 39%
- IMDB 59%
- Metascore 36%
- Rotten Tomatoes 12%
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