Synopsis: After India's (Mia Wasikowska) father dies her uncle Charlie (Matthew Goode), whom she hasn't met before turns up. He is all quiet charm but is all as it seems.
Stan's thoughts: Ambiguous, multi-layered and beautifully shot this will stay with you long after you've left the cinema, not least the plot. Its quiet, thoughtful, style punctured with violent outbursts or shocking reveals gives it a subtle and creeping tension.
But that aside, it is a also a fascinating character piece, one in which they reveal just as much in what the don't say as what they do, helped by superb performances from the three leads (Nicole Kidman plays India's mother).
It is certainly not a film for everyone, particularly not if you like closure, and one that is difficult to talk about unless you've seen it but I enjoyed it, haven't seen a film like this for a while.
- Stan's: 79%
- IMDB: 77%
- Metascore: 59%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 69%
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