Synopsis: Have you ever wondered how the Wizard of Oz became the Wizard of Oz, you know the guy with the white beard Toto finds tucked away behind a curtain using trickery to make himself seem big and powerful? And why good witch Glinda had a bad witch sister Theodora? Well this is the story for you.
Stan's thoughts: Sam Raimi's Wizard of Oz pre-quel has everything you loved from the famous Judi Garland. Yellow brick road, Emerald City, flying monkeys, good and bad witches etc and it's all done with a heavy nods to the Wizard of Oz in its style, costumes and make up. There is even some old stylee-acting particularly in the opening sequence. Which is all fabulous if you were brought up on the Wizard of Oz.
I don't think Mila Kunis's Theodora is quite as scary as I remember the character from the Judi Garland Wizard of Oz but there is one shot of her flying on her broomstick that did press a few childhood nightmare buttons.
Some great new characters and some mixed CGi - China Doll was fabulous but Franklin the monkey not quite so. It's good, innocent fun a visual feast and a nice trip down memory lane.
- Stan's: 68%
- IMDB: 71%
- Metascore: 44%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 60%
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