Synopsis: On the cusp of the Nazis defeat in the second World War and in the weeks afterwards a teenage girl and her younger siblings attempt to cross Germany to get to their grandmother's house.
Stan's thoughts: Films and books about the war itself are more common but every now and again you come across something that examines what life was like in Germany for the Germans in the years immediately after the defeat and this is a case in point.
It's not an easy watch mainly from a moral stand point although there are some disturbing images too, as you'd expect with the subject matter. The children's parents were supporters of Hitler and have been brought up to believe in what he was doing and act and speak accordingly which is extremely uncomfortable to watch at times.
What I liked about this film is the parallels between the physical journey and journey out of childhood. Lore and her siblings' world is ripped apart and suddenly they are faced with not only surviving outside the comforts of home, without their parents, but also having everything they held true challenged and dismissed.
It is grimy and gritty and naturalistic in its tone and execution. The kids were annoying in the way kids are annoying rather than Hollywood kid actors annoying. A few too many lingering nature shots would be my only criticism but certainly worth a look.
- Stan's: 73%
- IMDB: 71%
- Metascore: 77%
- Rotten Tomatoes: No consensus yet but site visitors give it 71%
- Stan's: 78%
- IMDB: 78%
- Metascore: 55%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 66%
- Stan's: 78%
- IMDB: 78%
- Metascore: 55%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 66%
- Stan's: 78%
- IMDB: 78%
- Metascore: 55%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 66%
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