Synopsis: Bounty hunter Dr King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) frees slave Django (Jamie Foxx) in return for his help in identifying three brothers on whom there is a large bounty. A friendship develops and Schultz then assists Django in rescuing his wife who was sold to big bad plantation boss Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio).
Stan's thoughts: I've been falling out with Quentin Tarantino in recent years - he's become an indulgent and undisciplined director, letting his ego get in the way of great film-making.
Django was his last chance and while it is still too long and someone should physically stop him from making cameo appearances in his own movies, he is definitely getting back to form. It has the characteristic gory violence (my finger nails became fascinating a couple of times), cheeky script, colourful characters and theatrics to make it entertaining and good fun.
All that to one side, standout for me were the performances of Waltz, Foxx and DiCaprio. For the latter it was great to see him playing an out and out baddie.
- Stan's: 75%
- IMDB: 87%
- Metascore: 81%
- Rotten Tomatoes: 88%