The Imposter
I'm not normally drawn to documentaries at the cinema, although the few that I have seen have generally been really good but I was struck by the utter absurdity of the story of The Imposter tells when I saw the trailer.
And it is an utterly absurd story. Director Bart Layton, in an interview, said he was asked why he'd made it as a documentary rather than a drama based on true events and he said that if this story was made into a drama no one would believe it.
It's a film where you can't give too much away without spoiling its impact but what you'll get from the trailer is that it's about a French Albanian who turns up in Spain claiming to be the missing son of a Texan family. The missing child - missing for three years - was blond haired and blue-eyed, the Imposter has black hair and brown eyes and the family believe him and take him in. Yep I told you it was utterly bizarre but it really happened. The narrative is told through a series of direct to camera interviews with the imposter, the family and the authorities intermingled with some re-created scenes.
Totally compelling I think my mouth was agape with the incredulity of the story for the entire film I'm giving it 83%. On IMDb it has 75% with a Metascore of 78% while on Rotten Tomatoes it has 95% with 85% of site visitors giving it three and a half stars or higher.
The Shadow Dancer
If you like quietly intense, intelligent thrillers of the ilk of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy then get yourself off to see The Shadow Dancer. Set during the early 1990's Mac (Clive Owen) works for MI5 and is trying to turn Colette (Andrea Riseborough) from IRA activist to informant using the fact that she is a mother as leverage.
From the outset this film is laced with tension but in a subtle way. It would have been easy to make it into an action thriller, over sensationalising certain events but in choosing not to, it is all the more powerful and uncomfortable to watch. It also allows the audience to join the dots rather than spoon feeding the story.
Superb performances from all involved but particularly Andrea Riseborough who is a joy to watch in whatever she does.
I'm giving it 86% on IMDb it has 72% and no Metacritic score yet while on Rotten Tomatoes it has 93% with 77% of site visitors rating it 3.5 stars or higher.