Now I don't know if I've actually seen all the preceding Mission Impossible films and I'm not sure why I decided to go and see this today, but I'm glad I did because I really quite enjoyed it.
I don't think it matters there are gaps in your knowledge of the series, you just need to know that Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is a US covert agent working for and organisation called the IMF, which isn't the International Monetary Fund apparently ;0). After that it's a buckle up and enjoy the ride film.
This one is about a nasty man trying to start a nuclear war and Hunt and his team trying to stop him. More than that it's best not to think about too much as you will start to see the plot holes and this is definitely a film that is more about action and thrills. And the action and thrills are very well done.
There are plenty of tense, nail-biting moments and, for someone like me who is terrified of heights, a sweaty palms, hyper-ventilating moments. (Cruise does a lot of the stunts including the tall building stuff which I think adds to the thrill).
The fights are highly dramatic and noisy, in a crunch and thud kind of way, which actually had me wincing and a few (intentional) laugh out loud moments, mainly courtesy of Simon Pegg as the techie guy in the field for the first time.
All of which means it had me hooked, in fact I haven't actually commented at the screen that much in a movie for a while* albeit mainly expletives around scenes of jumping off tall buildings.
It's a longish film at over two hours but only my bladder noticed but there are obvious in between-action interludes during which you can slip out for a comfort break and return without having missed anything vital or too exciting.
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, to give it its official title (and punctuation), is a great popcorn movie and definitely worth popping out to see on a big screen over the festive season. It had me humming the theme tune all the way home and it's getting a Stan rating of 80%. On IMDb it's got 79% with a Metacritic score of 74%. On Rotten Tomatoes it's got 93% with 84% of audiences rating it three and a half stars or more.
*It's OK there was no one sitting anywhere near me that I could disturb.