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Rev Stan

I think he's too old to play Adam Ewing and IMDb has Tom Hanks as playing Dr Henry Goose http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1371111/ which is a better fit I think.


I thought I read that Tom Hanks was playing Adam Ewing.

Rev Stan

Hi Jessica, thanks very much for the comment. I'm greedy and want to see him in as many parts as possible!
You are right about Zachry and Twyker I'm sure Ben could pull it off and I've got my fingers crossed too.
He's already proved his skill at playing different characters in the same project in The Pride. He was able to switch between the different physical and emotional personas of the two characters effortlessly.
He could of course be popping up in relatively small roles throughout Cloud Atlas as well as having a larger part of two. I'm really hoping more info comes out soon.

Jessica Allen

I'd love to see Ben Whishaw in at least two major parts, and especially as Zachry. He may be a little old, but I think he could make himself convincingly young enough. He really is still very boyish. And Twyker knows he how well he can play a man who has been partially (or differently) civilized. Also, of the cast already assembled, could any of the others do Zachry? I'm keeping my fingers crossed. (By the way, I love your blogs.)

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