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Simon Pudsey

I didnt realise you had been til I was just looking! I saw this on Thurs night 18th. It is a very remsarkabel film and I did occasionally lose track of Uday / Latif, it was that good. I was really impressed that the film did not lapse into a gaudy back slap for the rout of the Iraqi regime by the Merkins. I had concerns that this could happen, but was very satisfied that it did dwell on giving a good character driven film. The portrayal of Uday as an increasingly insane overindulged child gave the film its structure and I was particularly interested that Lee Tamahori chose to develop his character without a single redeeming feature. This has to be almost unique.
I wonder if you can measure this kind of film in a similar way to comedy e.g. 5 real laughs or in this case,cos there was a lack of lols, 5 cookie toss moments.
Goodness, some of the themes were severe...

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