Saw this quirky new Ewan McGregor indy film what seems like ages ago but I still don't feel like I have anything particularly compelling to say about it.
It's not that I didn't enjoy it, at the time of watching it I did. Very much so. But it's one of those oh so subtle films that the longer you leave it the less you can remember about what you watched and it's only when you see the trailer that you remember quite how much you enjoyed it.
The story is told through the eyes of McGregor's character Oliver who finds out that his father Hal (Christopher Plummer) is dying of cancer and is gay.
It then flits back and forth between the time before his father's death when he was beginning his new life as an openly gay man and after he succumbs to cancer. The film also explores a blossoming new relationship between Oliver and Anna (Melanie Laurent) but it is only through exploring his past that Oliver can fully commit to the relationship.
There's plenty of great acting it's full of charm, quirky touches that you only get with an independent film and it is,sweet, tender, funny and poignant. It's also got a great dog in it but it isn't indelible so I'm going to give it 64%.
On IMDb it's got 75% and Rotten Tomatoes it has 82%
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