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Rev Stan

I agree. Thought crossed my mind too about another role - it would be great to get hold of the script and see. The only thing I can think of, without knowing what other characters there are, is if they have flashbacks and he plays the younger Dickens. But I would be surprised by that.


I remember when this story first surfaced last year and thinking to myself that someone really had something wrong. It would be slightly surprising, but not impossible, to think that Ben Whishaw and Daniel Day-Lewis would be up for the same role. But the story of this film, itself, revolves around a 45 year old man running off with a teenager. I'd buy DDL at 45 far before I'd believe it for Ben, who at 30 hardly looks into his late twenties.

I actually have a theory about this news story. Perhaps they are both up for the film, but in different roles? I just looked into Nelly Ternan's story and was disappointed to find that she had neither a young jealous husband nor a protective brother or something Ben could play. I'd love to get my hands on a script to see what other roles there are. It does all add up now that he's tight with writer Abi Morgan, but I have a feeling he's not up for the role of Dickens.

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