Thanks to Screen Rant for first bringing this to my notice but here is a little taster of Peter Weir's new epic.
I'm interested because:
a) Peter Weir has made some of the films that I've long loved, Gallipoli being the first back in the day when I was a Mel Gibson fan (before he went completely bonkers) and then of course Dead Poet's Society. Cheesy but it still brings a tear to my eye "O Captain! My captain!".
b) It's got some good actors - Colin Farrell, Mark Strong and star in the making Saiorse Ronan - as well as Stan fave Jim Sturgess
c) Anything set in Russia/with Russian accents is my new love since I saw the play Ivan and the Dogs this evening which I will be writing about on my Theatre blog just as soon as I get a night in.
Anyway here is the trailer:
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